What you'll learn

    1. Welcome!

    1. Best practices when 'talking' to AI

    1. Introducing our framework

    2. (Optional) Introducing ChatGPT

    3. Pre-exercise: Email Outlining

    4. Demonstration: Email Outlining

    5. Exercise #1: Email outlining

    6. A Word on Personal Data

    7. Demonstration: LinkedIn Message Proofreading

    8. Exercise #2: LinkedIn Message Proofreading

    9. (Optional) Exercise #3: LinkedIn message proofreading

    10. Additional AI Use Cases for Written Communication with recruiters

    11. Risks of Direct Writing with AI

    12. Feedback - Chapter 1

    1. Risks of using AI

    1. Demonstration: Cover Letter Proofreading with AI

    2. Exercise #1: Cover Letter Proofreading

    3. (Optional) Exercise #2: Cover Letter Proofreading

    4. Introduction to Claude

    5. Demonstration: CV Fine-Tuning with AI

    6. Exercise #3: CV Fine-tuning with AI

    7. (Optional) Exercise #4: Fine-tuning your CV with AI

    8. Reminder: Risks of Direct Writing with AI

    9. Feedback - Chapter 2

    1. How LLMs work?


  • €49,00
  • 90 Minutes (incl. exercises)

Use AI for job search - and much more

Gain essential technical skills, professional competencies, and AI knowledge to enhance both your immediate both your job prospects and long-term career growth.

Stand out - responsibly

Recruiters are swamped by AI-generated applications.

Learn how to use AI tools while preserving your own voice